Our clinic is equipped with a network of 12 personal computers.

Dr. Sameh at Work
Our first computer network was a Mac plus / appletalk network installed in 1984 . At the time the state of the art was a computer with 1 MB of Ram and a HUGE! SCSI hard-disc of 20 MB!!!! Following a 4 year struggle, we decided to return to paper work until faster systems with more capacity and speed were developed.
At the dawn of the new millennium, we thought it was about time to try again with an NT dedicated server and 12 pentium class computers at clock speeds of 450 +, memories of 128 MB and a large capacity storage in the multi GB plateau. Luckily this is also the era of reliable optic and tape backup devices where not only records but also x-rays and intra-oral pictures can be stored and maintained. As of 2006 we’ve upgraded all our PCs to the GHZ clock-speed level.

Your Records: Pworks
In 1999 we transferred our data to PracticeWorks (PW). This great software allows us full control over both our administrative and clinical data. We can consistently track the history of each tooth, the treatment performed and materials and techniques used.
Each of our operatory units is fit with an LCD monitor connected to a workstation with the software installed. Doctors can track recalls in due time, enter dated x-rays and pictures directly into patient charts and allocate them to specific teeth or regions of the mouth, access and compare data over long periods of time without having to dig into piles of physical archives and accurately follow up on treatment plans. In short we have a beautiful tool to rationally monitor the progess of your case at a glance.

Denoptix Scanner
Our DenOptix System has made storage and management of patient X-ray information effortless. With storage-phosphor imaging plates and a highspeed scanner the X-ray image is converted to electronic files that are inspectable right there on the computer screen. Annotations, notes and copies of an image are easily created and electronically mailed through software tools. Another notable fact is that the required radiation for the DenOptix machine is about 90% less than regular old x-ray machines.

Denoptix Scanner