Our clinic is equipped with 3 ultrasonic cleaners, 2 wrapping/sealing units and 5 autoclaves.
Ultrasonic cleaners are basins mounted on transducers that convert electricity into ultrasonic vibrations. Instruments are first cleaned in the ultrasonic bath , rinsed, wrapped in special pouches that allow the autoclave steam to penetrate and sterilize while not porous enough to allow microorganisms to penetrate through and contaminate the sterilized instruments.


But why 5 autoclaves? Autoclaves rely on an electronically monitored time/temperature/pressure combination to reach a sterilization state. Obviously the smaller the sterilization capacity, the faster the cycle. So we need small autoclaves that take only 6 minutes to sterilize handpieces and small instruments and larger ones which take up to 20 minutes/cycle to do the same job for larger items.

