


  • If an anesthetic has been used, your lips and tongue might feel numb for a few hours after your appointment. Avoid chewing and hot drinks until the numbness has subsided so as not to accidentally burn or bite your tongue or lips.
  • You may use Ibuprofen 400, Cataflam or aspirin before the anesthetic has worn-off to help alleviate any pain from the site of anesthetic injection . Do not take any of these  if you are allergic to Aspirin (especially if you suffer from hives/Urticaria, asthma or have sinus problems). If you’ve taken this medication in the past without any adverse reactions then you may go ahead and use them. If you are unsure please consult our office for proper medical advice.
  • Injection sites may be sore for a few days after your appointment. Rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water (put a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse and spit) to reduce pain and swelling.
  • You may chew with your composite fillings as soon as the anesthetic has completely worn off. If your bite feels uneven, if you have persistent pain, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please call our office.



Root Canal / Endodontic Treatment


  • Root canal therapy often requires two or more appointments.
  • An anesthetic will be used, your lips and tongue might feel numb for a few hours after your appointment. Avoid chewing and hot drinks until the numbness has subsided so as not to accidentally burn or bite your tongue or lips.
  • Between root canal sessions it is normal (and no call for concern) for parts of the temporary restoration to wear away or break off. If the whole restoration falls off please contact us so we can replace it. Please avoid sticky or hard foods while you have a temporary restoration in place.
  • It is normal to feel some discomfort for a few days after your root canal treatment. Take pain medication as recommended by your treating doctor. To reduce swelling and pain, rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water (a tablespoon of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse and spit).
  • If antibiotics are recommended by the doctor treating you, please follow the course to its end; even if you feel no pain or swelling.
  • Following completion of the root canal treatment  it is recommended that a crown be fit onto the tooth to protect it from decay and fracture. If your bite feels uneven or pain persists beyond a week please contact our office.
  • Using our new CAD/CAM Cerec system, certain cases can be finalized with a ceramic restoration without the need for a post-and-core approach.



Tooth Extraction


  • An anesthetic will be used, your cheek, lips and tongue might feel numb for a few hours after your appointment. Avoid chewing and hot drinks until the numbness has subsided so as not to accidentally burn or bite your cheek, lips or tongue.
  • After an extraction the extraction site must be allowed to clot and begin its healing process. You will be asked to bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes after the procedure. If bleeding or oozing continues after you remove the pad, place another pad and bite firmly for another 30 minutes. Repeat until bleeding has stopped.
  • Once the blood clot has formed you will need to avoid reopening the wound for the next 24 hours. Please avoid smoking, sucking through a straw or vigorous cleaning of the mouth near the extraction site for the next 72 hours. Limit demanding exercise for the next 24 hours so as not to reopen the wound by increased blood pressure.
  • An ice bag may be used to reduce swelling and pain. Swelling usually subsides after 48 hours.
  • If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if signs and symptoms of infection are gone. Drink lots of fluid and eat nutritious soft food on the day of the extraction. You can eat normally as soon as you feel comfortable.
  • Make sure to resume your normal dental hygiene routine after 24 hours (flossing and brushing). This will speed up the healing process and help keep your mouth fresh and clean.



Cosmetic Reconstruction


  • It will take time for you to adjust to the feel of your new bite. It usually takes several days for the brain to recognize the changes that have been made and accept them as normal. If your bite still feels uneven after a week please contact us.
  • It is normal to experience hot, cold and pressure sensitivity initially as you adapt to your new bite. Rinse three times a day with warm salt water (a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse-swish and spit) to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Your speech might be affected a little for the first few days. However, you should adapt shortly. You may also experience increased salivation. This occurs because your brain responds to the new size and shape of your teeth. This should subside within a week.
  • Regular brushing and flossing are a must.
  • Avoid hard foods that could chip your teeth. Keep in mind that Smoking, red wine, coffee and tea will stain your teeth, limit your intake as you see fit.
  • If you engage in sports or grind your teeth let us know so that we can provide you with a mouth-guard.



New Dentures


  • There will be an adjustment period for you to get used to your new dentures. Dentures cover areas of your mouth that are normally bare. This might alter your speech and require that your tongue and lips adapt accordingly.
  • Sore spots may develop after your first few days of wearing the dentures. We can modify your denture during your follow-up appointment to relieve those parts of the denture that cause excessive soreness or discomfort. You may schedule appointments to further adjust the denture thereafter.
  • Dentures acquire stains and odor just like regular teeth. Routine cleaning and care of your dentures is important.
  • You should never go to bed with your dentures on. Your gum tissues and jaw bones need to be given a rest from the dentures. To prevent tissue irritation, tissue infection or denture shrinkage, dentures should be kept in a cup of water with a denture cleansing agent.   However we may recommend you go to bed with the dentures if you have/are predisposed to TMJ problems since the dentures position the joint in the most appropriate position.
  • Gum tissues recede with time about 0.08 cm every year. Annual checkups will allow your dentist to readjust your dentures to restore their fit.  The procedure is called “denture reline”: we take an impression inside the denture and process new acrylic to fill the space.  This procedure is completed in our inhouse laboraory and takes on average 3 hours to complete



Temporary Crowns


  • Temporary crowns are normally fit in place of the final porcelain or gold crown in order to protect the prepared tooth and restore function as we wait for the laboratory to deliver your new crown. In selected cases we use Cerec CAD/CAM crowns or onlays which are bonded in place in the same day
  • Tooth sensitivity is normal and should not be a call for concern. If sensitivity does not subside or worsens please contact us. Be careful while flossing and brushing so as not to accidentally break or dislodge the temporary crown.
  • Note that now with our new Cerec system the likelihood of your needing a temporary crown is very low. We look forward to providing you with the best possible service.



Scaling and Root Planning


  • After scaling you will notice that your gums do not bleed or swell as much.
  • You may feel a little throbbing or aching of the gums after the procedure but these symptoms should subside within the next few days.
  • Your teeth might be a little sensitive to temperature change and sweet intake for the first few days but this should subside quickly.
  • Slight Bleeding might occur while brushing but this will also subside soon.
  • Should you be overly sensitive ask the doctor treating you about the applicability of a desensitizing agent.



Surgical procedures


General information: 



  • The following is all normal folowig surgical procedures:- Swelling of the surgical area. Swelling peaks on the 2nd or 3rd day after the surgery.- Muscle stiffness may hinder your jaw-movement for a few days.

    – A slight ear-ache or sore throat.

    – Other teeth may start to ache due to referred pain. This subsides quickly.

    – Chapping or cracking of lips may occur. Use lip-balm or ointment to keep your lips moist.

    – The space where a tooth was surgically extracted should be rinsed with warm salt-water 24 hours after the surgery. You should rinse the area after each meal until the tissue has fully healed and filled with new tissue.

    – Please follow any prescribed medication or antibiotics. Be aware that some antibiotics interfere with birth-control pills, check with your pharmacist.



immediately after and the following days 


  • Please refrain from rinsing or spitting for 24 hours.
  • Keep fingers and tongue away from surgical area.
  • Use ice-packs (or bags of frozen peas) for the first 12 hours. Apply for 20 minutes and then remove for 10.
  • Drink lots of fluids ( do not use a straw and be careful with hot or warm drinks )
  • If your jaw muscles become stiff, you may chew gum to relax the muscles or apply a warm moist towel to the outside of your mouth on the muscles.
  • Rinse mouth with warm salt-water for a week after your surgery.
  • Follow a soft food diet.
  • Slight bleeding is not uncommon. Stop bleeding by applying a small gauze pad to the bleeding area for 90 minutes. If bleeding persists apply a moist teabag and bite firmly for an hour. If bleeding continues after this please contact us.
  • Avoid smoking for 5 days after the surgery since Nicotine breaks down blood clots.



Healozone treatment


  • Once the bacteria have been destroyed using the KaVo HealOzone, a 4-6 week natural remineralisation process follows.
  • This is enhanced by using the KaVo HealOzone patient kit which contains all the minerals required to allow effective remineralisation. The HealOzone patient kit ensures the successful replacement of lost minerals in the tooths’ enamel, with minerals not always available to you from your diet.
  • The toothpaste and mouth rinse will Arrest Bacteria, Neutralize Acids and Add fluoride and minerals to the healing tooth.
  • You should use the toothpaste, twice daily and the the mouth-spray after each meal.